DrB! Daily DayMaster Deposit

Mar 3, 2023

Religion is rooted in what we can, and must, do in order to please and be acceptable to God; however, true Christianity is rooted in what God did for us, through Christ, to redeem us, and enable us to live our LifePurpose. Live your LifePurpose through Christ, and don't be bound by religion. 2 Corinthians 5:21! The truth is, we ARE the righteousness of God, NOT the sin cursed of the earth. Jesus’ righteousness was transferred onto us and our sin curse was transferred onto him. Get this, We became His righteousness!

Go Master The Day!


Books by DrB!:

Remember, It Is Your Charge, Go Master The Day

Live Your LifePurpose

The Trifecta of Fulfillment

What The Heck Is A DayMaster

DrB! collaboration book:

The Power of Coaching